One of our greatest joys is having children that love to ask questions about God. We have two children, Charlize 10 years old and Phoenix who is 5 years old. They love to ask questions, and my son who is five, always asks about God. We taught them a year ago that God and Jesus are english given names and that their Hebrew names are Yahweh (one of God’s names) and Yeshua. Since then our children’s fascination about who God is has been a amazing process to be a part of. My sons questions about Yahweh is:
- What does Yahweh look like?
- What does He eat?
- Where does He sleep?
- How long does He sleep for?
- How come I can’t see him?
- Why does He chuck people into the dark place?
The most fun part of this learning process for them is hearing their prayers at night.
“Dear Yahweh, can you please let us bless you, because we really want to bless you Yahweh. Can you please protect our country to be good and safe for us to live. This country is not a good country to live in, it is not very cool, it is great but not cool to live in sometimes. Shol please protect us and keep us safe. Thank you Yahweh for your son Yeshua to look after our country and protect our world. Thank you Yahweh for your son for dying on the cross for us to live in this beautiful country. Thank you Yahweh for teaching my dad how to do painting with his stuff and my mum doze talking with my dad and acting with my dad. Please dad never give up on your work, the madd messenger work you do to help people. Amen.”
We just love observing young minds discover who Yahweh is to them.